Who is Wild Words For?

  • Nature Lovers

    If you love being outside and are looking for a chance to spend some quality time with the elements, then Wild Words if for you. We will connect with nature in a personal way, using writing as a tool to explore our relationships with the natural world. If the idea of sitting silently with the wind appeals to you, if you are called by bird song and the smell of the dirt, then Wild Words is for you.

  • Experienced Writers

    While writing experience isn’t required, if you’re already a writer and want a chance to further develop your craft in a supportive community with personalized mentorship, then Wild Words is certainly for you! You’ll gain new tools for generating material and have the rare opportunity to build friendships with other young writers. At Wild Words you’ll crack open your practice, find inspiration in surprising places, and forge new creative alliances.

  • Wild Hearts

    If you enjoy exploring new terrain, meeting new humans and trying on new forms of connection and expression, then Wild Words is for you. You might not identify as a writer, but you love story and are curious about using writing as a way to connect with yourself, others, and the natural world. If you are curious, creative, adventurous, and game, then Wild Words is for you.