A Day At Wild Words

We start the day by gathering at the trailhead. After some stretches and icebreakers we’ll hit the trail, perhaps with a prompt in mind to encourage new ways of seeing and hearing the living world around.

After a moderate jaunt we’ll stop in a beautiful place for sit-spot-style meditation. We’ll then engage in writing exercises, conversation, sharing, and games.

Next is another (smaller) hike to a beautiful spot for snacks, more writing, more games, and good conversation. Then we hike back to say farewell at the parking lot. Participants can expect no more than three miles of walking in a day.

Young writers’ camps are from 9am - 12pm, Forest school is 9am - 1pm, and college essay camps are from 10am - 1pm.

Zen Buddhism and Natalie Goldberg

Much of what we’ll do is inspired by Zen practitioner and writing teacher Natalie Goldberg’s idea of Writing Practice. Her approach brings the Buddhist notion of practice to the act of writing. Writing and its benefits, she believes, are very like those of meditation: practices that helps us to engage with the world, ourselves, and one another more authentically and meaningfully. To write is to wake up, to live deeply. Goldberg says, “We are important and our lives are important, magnificent really, and their details are worthy to be recorded.... A writer must say yes to life, to all of life” (Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within).

Theater and Play

Play and collaboration are at the core of theater. So much becomes possible when we get out of our heads and orient ourselves toward spontaneity; Woods and Words is all about taking creative risks in a supportive group. We’ll play lots of theater games and engage in various exercises to get us into our bodies and into connection with one another. We’ll build stories collaboratively and celebrate silliness and mistakes, finding new surprising entry points for our writing.

Forest School

Forest schools emphasize engaging with the senses as well as the mind. Mary Oliver understood the value of this! At Woods and Words we’ll let the world into our writing, finding inspiration in birds, trees, wind, and one another.

Influences & Inspirations